Search/Error/Output area


It is an API group to access error information, search results, and output windows.

Interface belonging to area

Name Description
IInfoEntry Access object to the common information of error information/search result information.
IInfoDisplayStyleSet Style set for displaying error information/search result information.
You can name and manage predetermined styles.
This style set is managed by the workspace and shared by all extensions.
IInfoDisplayStyle Access object to the display style of error information and search result information.
It can be used to redefine the style when displaying error information or search result information.
ISearchResultEntry Access object to search result information.
Model and Field values can be obtained only when the search target is a model.
IError It is the error information by the model validation.
IErrors Provides access to validation error information for the model.
Error information is registered in IModel.
IOutput Provides access to the output service.
ISearch Provides access to the search service.
The search processing process in the current version of the application allows only one process.
Therefore, if you call BeginSearch while IsSearching returns True, an error will occur.
ISearchManager Search Manager